The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia

Bargaining begins at the Delaware County Times

Guild Members:


Flexibility was the main theme today during our first round of negotiations today with Digital First Media management.  Proposals were exchanged  by both parties during the four hour session.


The company’s proposals centered on their need for flexibility with proposed changes in hours of work, overtime , vacations,  job security and severance pay.   The Guild’s proposals included a 5% across the board or $1.00 an hour increase, whichever is greater each year of the contract, a decrease in what our members pay for their health care, continuation of our 40l(k) plan, and a  no layoff provision .


The meeting was cordial and productive.  We meet tomorrow starting at 9:30 AM and are scheduled to meet on Friday.


In Unity,


Bill Ross

Michele Stone

Bob Grotz

Robert Gurecki