The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia

  • Declaration: I designate The NewsGuild-CWA Local 38010 as my collective bargaining representative, and to represent me before any Board, Court, Committee or other tribunal in any matter involving collective bargaining. I authorize the NewsGuild-CWA and its Local to represent me in adjusting any grievances I may have in connection with my employment. I pledge to abide by the Constitution of the Communications Workers of America and The NewsGuild-CWA, and by the By-laws of the Local Guild.

    I hereby authorize the employer to deduct my Guild membership dues from any salary earned. Dues, assessments, contributions or gifts to The NewsGuild-CWA Local 38010 are not deductible as charitable contributions. Dues paid to The NewsGuild-CWA Local 38010, however, may qualify as business expenses and may be deductible in limited circumstances subject to various restrictions imposed by the Internal Revenue Code (TNG-CWA Constitution requires that, when turned into the Guild this form be accompanied by an initiation fee).

  • Data is encrypted in transit and not retained.

  • Signature

  • Type your full name here then sign below.
  • After submitting and signing the membership form you’ll be automatically taken to the Life Insurance form. Please submit and sign that form as well in order to complete the registration process.
  • Secure

    Local-10 forms are processed using a secure 256-bit SSL connection.