The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia


Dear Guild Sisters and Brothers: We are in an industry where words matter. And our credibility depends on the accuracy of our words. So, this message is not intended to put lipstick on a pig. It is to provide you with a precise account of the result of our efforts these past few weeks to […]

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Still working to protect jobs.

July 1, 2019billrossInquirer

Dear Guild Members: We spent several hours with Company leadership today in an effort to avert something that we maintain would be catastrophic: layoffs. We made progress and will resume our work Tuesday. We will keep you updated. In the meantime, please thank the hundreds (maybe even thousands) of friends, family, and acquaintances who have […]

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Layoffs announced; totals not yet final.

June 28, 2019billrossInquirer

Dear Guild Brothers and Sisters: We apologize for a day of no information on the layoff situation. That is because it has been a fluid situation since our initial meeting at 11 a.m. As of 6:30 p.m. Friday, when we suspended talks until Monday, the planned layoff total stood at 6 people – 4 in […]

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June 27, 2019billrossInquirer

Dear Amazing Brothers and Sisters: First, thank you for your spirited participation in yesterday’s protest, especially in that heat. The turnout was tremendous and your message so vital to the health of this company and the City of Philadelphia. Please recognize from the attendance by members from other unions that we are not in this […]

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Inquirer employees walk out to protest over threatened layoffs.

June 27, 2019billrossInquirer

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June 24, 2019billrossInquirer

June 24, 2019 Dear Guild Siblings: You’ve signed a petition in robust numbers. You’ve marched through 801 Market in unity, raising a collective voice against any colleague losing a job involuntarily. You have captured the public’s attention and support. Offers of help have come from all over the city, from government leaders and nonprofit officials […]

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June 20, 2019billrossInquirer

Dear Guild Members: You received an email today from the Company that declared the beginning of yet another “new era” for us. Sadly, this “New Era of Inquirer Journalism” is apparently one tone-deaf to the anxieties and worries of its employees. How else to explain such an email thanking us “all” for “accepting this challenge” […]

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Inquirer buyouts/layoffs update June 18, 2109

June 18, 2019billrossInquirer

Dear Colleagues: The Company has informed us that the latest buyout total count is 20. That does not include 2 voluntary planned departures in the newsroom that we maintain should count toward the total of 30 Guild job reductions the Company seeks. The Company gave no other information. We’ll keep you posted. In solidarity, Diane […]

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Inquirer buyout/layoff update

June 17, 2019billrossInquirer

Good morning: Just wanted to let you know what we know on the buyout/layoff front. As of Friday, the Company had informed us of 17 buyouts by Guild members. We are seeking input as to what it plans to do next. As our petition presented to the Company on Friday stated, we oppose layoffs. We’re […]

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This is what solidarity looks like. Inquirer employees rally today demanding no layoffs. Over 250 members signed a petition that was delivered to to a vacant Publisher’s office.

June 14, 2019billrossInquirer

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