The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia


June 13, 2019billrossInquirer

Hi all: Please remember tomorrow, Friday, June 14, is a day of unity for the NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia. Please wear your new T-shirts and gather for a photo at 11 a.m. in the ping pong parlor at 801. If you are at SPP or Cherry Hill and have picked up a shirt, take a […]

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Say NO to layoffs

June 5, 2019 For too long, we’ve normalized the act of cutting rank and file staff in order to balance this company’s books. We reject the notion that we are disposable. If you agree, join your colleagues — more than 150 Guild members so far — who have already signed a petition that reads: “We, […]

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Inquirer Buyouts/Layoffs Details May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019billrossInquirer

In case you dialed in to listen to last week’s meetings and couldn’t hear very well, or missed the meetings entirely, here’s a summary of what you need to know about the Company’s buyout/layoff program. 1) Buyouts are only offered to Guild members in the newsroom, advertising, finance and IT. 2) To be eligible, newsroom […]

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Morning Call editorial staff votes overwhelmingly to unionize with the NewsGuild-CWA

March 19, 2019billrossInquirer

Today, 72 percent of editorial staff at the Allentown Morning Call voted in favor of unionizing. The Morning Call Guild can now begin the productive work of negotiating with Tribune Publishing for a fair contract. The Morning Call staff is the latest in a series of newsrooms to organize with the NewsGuild-CWA in recent months. […]

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March 5, 2019billrossInquirer

In a ruling that should surprise no one, the regional director of the NLRB has ruled against reopening a 2015 case the NewsGuild filed against Philadelphia Media Network alleging fraudulent concealment of facts during contract bargaining that year. To refresh your memory, the Company had asked the Union during negotiations in 2015 to agree to […]

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Restaurant Opportunities Center United members ratify solid 3 year agreement.

March 2, 2019billrossInquirer

NewsGuild represented members from Philadelphia, New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Oakland overwhelmingly ratified a new three year agreement between ROC, Restaurant Opportunities Center United and The NewsGuild of Philadelphia. Highlights of the agreement are, a 5 percent pay increase effective immediately, 3 percent in years two and three. Continued fully paid health care […]

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A response from PMN Chairman of the Board.

February 11, 2019billrossInquirer

Guild members, Please see the below response to the Guild Executive Committee from Chairman Kopelman in response to the letter sent to him and the PMN Board of Directors on February 6, 2019. We will keep you posted. In Unity, Diane Mastrull, President Bill Ross, Executive Director Maggie O’Brien Melanie Burney John Robinson Amy Rosenberg […]

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Letter to PMN Board of Directors from NewsGuild Executive Board

February 6, 2019billrossGuild News, Inquirer

February 5, 2019 Dear PMN Board Members, We are writing on behalf of the members of the NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia. We represent reporters, some editors, advertising, finance and circulation employees, and editorial assistants at the Inquirer, Daily News and Our members are not just the “content providers” of this organization; we are its […]

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Local President Diane Mastrull elected to Vice President of Region 1 International NewsGuild Executive Board

January 26, 2019billrossInquirer

Below is Executive Director Bill Ross’ nomination of President Mastrull to the NewsGuild International Board. Good morning, As Executive Director of the NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia, it gives me great honor to nominate our President, Diane Mastrull for the position of Vice President of Region 1 of the NewsGuild International Executive Board. The NewsGuild’s future […]

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PABJ supports NewsGuild of Philadelphia in their fight against PMN

January 25, 2019billrossInquirer

PABJ SUPPORTS THE NEWS GUILD OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA CALLING FOR FAIR WAGES PHILADELPHIA, January 24, 2019 – The Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists (PABJ), stands in solidarity with the News Guild of Greater Philadelphia in calling for fair wage labor practices and better accountability at Philadelphia Media Network (PMN). On Tuesday afternoon, roughly 50 PMN […]

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