The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia


April 27, 2015billrossInquirer

For five years, Guild members have given up two weeks of pay saving the company about $1 million a year. Now when we want to devote those funds to our health and welfare fund, the company is balking. That $1 million won’t even fill the $2.5 million hole created by the company’s refusal to increase […]

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Can you afford to pay $4,000 to $8,500 more a year for health care? The company thinks you can

April 22, 2015billrossInquirer

As our first Mediation session is tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:30 a.m., the Guild Bargaining Committee wishes to bring everyone up to date as to where contract talks now stand. Although we have reached tentative agreements on a number of smaller issues, the big issues of contention still remain: 1) In the company’s minimal economic offer, […]

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Company asks for Mediation; Guild agrees.

March 24, 2015billrossInquirer

Dear Guild Members:   After four months of bargaining, the company remains immovable on the topic of eliminating more-senior employees in the newsrooms. It has also refused to offer more than $500,000 per year to help fix the Guild’s $2.5 million health-care problem and has rejected all of our proposed solutions, including diverting profit-sharing and […]

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Guild Bulletin-Extension Agreement to March 22

March 17, 2015billrossInquirer

Guild members, The Guild bargaining committee & company bargaining committee agreed to extend our current collective bargaining agreement to March 22. We continue to bargain in good faith for successor agreements for the Main Unit & The Guild Bargaining Committee

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IGM negotiations continue. Contract extended until March 15th.

February 28, 2015billrossInquirer

Guild members,   The Guild bargaining committee & company bargaining committee agreed to extend our current collective bargaining agreement to March 15.   We continue to bargain in good faith for successor agreements for the Main Unit &   The Guild Bargaining Committee    

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Flummoxed over flexibility

February 11, 2015billrossInquirer

Dear Guild members:     As we take a bargaining pause until Wednesday, we wanted to use this opportunity to attempt to illuminate that which, by its nature, is a very shrouded process.   Negotiating a contract is a matter involving so few, yet it impacts so many. And for those of you who are […]

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A grim turn.

February 10, 2015billrossInquirer

Guild members,   After 14 bargaining sessions, the company withdrew its entire proposed package today when the Guild bargaining committee refused to entertain any weakening of seniority in the layoff process.   The company says it is considering our economic proposals for, which has a separate contract. They are not considering contract work rules, such as adequate […]

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Company stance could result in biggest pay cut ever.

November 18, 2014billrossInquirer

At our first bargaining session today, the day after owner Gerry Lenfest spoke withUSA Today about his determination to “save” our company (, company negotiators said “It’s not economically feasible to talk about pay raises or contributions to health and welfare.”   The company has not raised its contribution to the Guild’s Health & Welfare Fund in 14 […]

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IGM to offer new round of buyouts.

November 5, 2014billrossInquirer

In our pre-bargaining kick-off meeting with owner Gerry Lenfest and senior management, Mr. Lenfest said, “negotiations with the Guild are critical for sustainability at the company.”   Mr. Lenfest then announced that tomorrowmorning the company will offer a buyout to newsroom employees with 25 or more years of service and non-newsroom Guild employees with 35 years […]

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Where have all the bylines gone?

On Tuesday, the guild staff members of the Delaware County Daily Times are participating in a one-day byline strike — in print and online — to call attention to measures Digital First Media has taken to create its regional production hub in Norristown. This action coincides with the release of the redesigned Daily Times print […]

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