The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia

Restaraunt Opportunities Center Guild members, ratify initial 2 year contract.

I’m happy to announce that after bargaining a fair initial collective bargaining contract with Restaurant Opportunities Center, our members last night, unanimously voted and approved the contract. We reached a 2 year contract with across the board increases in both years of the agreement, of 3 percent. Paid sick time, personal time, and vacations for […]

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JRC bargaining and bankruptcy update.

January 18, 2013billrossInquirer

Guild members, In a most productive round of bargaining in New York today, 21st Century Acquisition Corp, the stalking horse buyer of The Journal Register Company has agreed to a two year contract, hire all Guild members, at our 4 papers, honoring seniority and benefits. No pay cuts, and a one year no lay-off guarantee.  […]

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IGM Reduces Giveback Demands.

January 18, 2013billrossInquirer

Guild members,   After a productive meeting this morning, in which the company spoke to the status of other union negotiations and the dire financial situation it still faces, the Guild Executive Board agreed to begin early bargaining on a new contract. The first session will be tomorrow afternoon.   This decision was not made […]

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Important Guild Update

January 16, 2013billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, Before tomorrow morning’s meeting with the company, in which Mike Lorenca is expected to provide detailed information about how contract talks are going with the other unions and again ask the Guild to come to the bargaining table, the Guild Executive Board nominated Guild Treasurer Howard Gensler to serve as acting president. […]

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Important Guild Update

January 16, 2013billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, In the most difficult decision of my life, I chose to apply for the voluntary separation program and was approved. My last day at the Daily News is February 1. It breaks my heart to not only leave the paper, but to resign from leading the Newspaper Guild, effective immediately. It would […]

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IGM threatens liquidation.

January 12, 2013billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, Interstate General Media today threatened to liquidate or sell the assets the company, which owns the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News and, as of January 18, 2013 if it does not reach tentative agreements with all of its unions, including the Newspaper Guild. As you know, our contract expires in October 2013 while the […]

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Guild will reimburse parking costs.

October 29, 2012billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, We are proud of our members’ devotion to best serving the Inquirer, Daily News and, but in the interest of safety during Hurricane Sandy, we urge you not to come in unless your supervisor deems you essential and your presence is absolutely necessary. Many members worked from home or other satellite […]

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Inquirer newsroom reassignments grieved.

October 18, 2012billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, The Newspaper Guild, on Wednesday, filed a grievance with Interstate General Media, over the Philadelphia Inquirer’s irrational and seemingly punitive reassignments of 12 veteran journalists. The Guild asserts the reassignments are improper and asked the employer provide an explanation and justification of the selection of journalists, and the basis and rationale for […]

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Congratulations to Guild Officers Elected for 2013

October 2, 2012billrossInquirer

The following candidates were elected to serve as Officers of Local 38010 for 2013. President – Dan Gross Secretary – Greg Forman Treasurer – Howard Gensler 1st Vice President – Cindy Burton 2nd Vice President – Maggie O’Brien 3rd Vice President – Eric Churn 4th Vice President – Melanie Burney 5th Vice President – Sharon […]

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JRC Chapter 11 part 2

NEWSGUILD NAMED CO-CHAIR OF JRC CREDITORS’ COMMITTEE Staff September 14, 2012 NewsGuild-CWA NewsGuild-CWA was named one of five members, and co-chair, of the creditors’ committee as the Journal Register Company bankruptcy proceeded Thursday with an initial hearing in New York City. The Guild is represented on the committee by Philadelphia Newspaper Guild Executive Director Bill […]

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