The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia

Happy Labor Day!

September 1, 2010billrossGuild News

Members that show up to the parade on Monday can look for Guild office manager Rita Dooling for food passes, and Guild t-shirts. Parade starts at 9a.m. at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall at 1301 South Columbus Blvd.

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Contract Ratified 287-38

August 24, 2010billrossGuild News

Dear Guild member, The Guild contract with PN Purchaser Co., L.L.C. was ratified tonight by a vote of 287 in support of the agreement and 38 in opposition. The results were certified by Election Chairperson Rita Dooling. We thank the membership for a strong turnout and for voting overwhelmingly in support of a contract that […]

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Ratification vote/membership meeting

August 23, 2010billrossGuild News

Dear Guild member, A ratification vote/membership meeting will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, August 24 at the Guild Hall (1329 Buttonwood Street). The Guild Bargaining Committee recommends voting in favor of the agreement. Guild leadership was not happy to deliver a tentative agreement that includes wage cuts and furloughs totaling a 6 percent […]

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Changes to Severance Pay

July 26, 2010billrossGuild News

Dear Guild member, Some members have asked for clarification on changes to Severance Pay under the tentative agreement reached between the Guild and PN Purchaser Co., L.L.C. The severance benefits you accrued under the current and previous contracts remain. It is considered a pension benefit because the fund that was formerly used to pay severance […]

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Ratification vote postponed

July 16, 2010billrossInquirer

The contract ratification vote scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, at the Community College of Philadelphia has been postponed because of bankruptcy court activity. The tentative agreements the Guild reached with PN Purchaser Co., L.L.C are conditioned upon the outcome of the bankruptcy proceedings currently pending with respect to administrative claims creditors may file on or […]

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Membership meeting/ratification vote

July 14, 2010billrossGuild News

We have scheduled a membership meeting/ratification vote from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 20 in the Large Auditorium at the Community College of Philadelphia, located on 17th Street between Callowhill and Spring Garden streets. On Thursday we issued a bulletin about the tentative agreement on economics, and we have since nailed down additional contract […]

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Pension plan is underfunded

July 8, 2010billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, Last week, we told you that the United Independent Union/Newspaper Guild of Greater Philadelphia Pension Plan, along with virtually every multi-employer pension plan to which the Philadelphia Newspapers, LLC contribute, filed objections with the Bankruptcy Court to the Debtors confirmation plan, because the reorganization plan would have a detrimental impact on the […]

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Local 38010 has reached a tentative agreement

July 8, 2010billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, The bargaining committee of Newspaper Guild/CWA Local 38010 has reached a tentative agreement on key economic elements of a new three-year contract that guarantees no layoffs in the first year. Talks continue on other aspects of the bargaining agreement, but we did not want to keep you waiting on details that will […]

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Contract talks resumed

June 3, 2010billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, Contract talks resumed this afternoon between the Newspaper Guild and PN Purchaser Co, LLC, the prospective owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News and On a positive note, the employer has expressed a willingness to allow the Guild’s jurisdiction to extend to editorial and advertising employees at The specifics have […]

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Contract talks resumed

May 20, 2010billrossInquirer

Dear Guild member, Contract talks resumed today between the Guild bargaining committee and representatives for the new owners. The parties spent the bulk of the day analyzing a variety of prospects for reaching cost savings to ensure the health and vitality of our membership and the Inquirer and Daily News. The session was productive in […]

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