The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia

Agreed to extend current CBA

Guild Members, On November 17, 2009 The Newspaper Guild and The Delaware County Times have agreed to extend the current collective bargaining agreement for and additional 60 days, through January 25, 2010. Both sides have agreed to keep bargaining in good faith over the next 60 days, and all current terms of the contract remain […]

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First Negotiating Meeting

Newspaper Guild Local 10 Journal Register Co./Delaware County Daily Times Representing the Guild: Bill Ross, Executive Director, TNG-CWA 38010 Anthony SanFilippo, Unit Chairperson Cindy Scharr, Unit Vice Chairperson Rob Parent, Unit Secretary Suzanne Cavanaugh Representing JRC: Frank Gothie, Publisher, Daily Times Diane Kennedy, administrative assistant The Guild opened the session by presenting a modest proposal […]

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Talks going nowhere

The Guild Bargaining Committee met with Daily Times publisher Frank Gothie Thursday afternoon in the second bargaining session – if one can call it that. The last meeting between the two sides concluded with the guild asking the company to be more specific about their vague proposals that included a wage cut of undetermined proportions, […]

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PNI Execs Got Bonuses Before Bankruptcy

March 31, 2009billrossMedia

The owners of the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Daily News are seeking bankruptcy protection but still handed out bonuses to top executives. And published reports claim the company owes the city of Philadelphia $450,000 in taxes. PNI Execs Got Bonuses Before Bankruptcy:

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Philly Newspaper Owner Files for Bankruptcy

February 23, 2009billrossMedia

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