The NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia


September 3, 2020billrossInquirer

Colleagues: As our own financials suggest, our industry is in a fight for its life. As a regional vice president for the NewsGuild-CWA, I am working with journalists across the country to come up with ways to help save this essential craft. We need your help by taking a moment to answer this survey to […]

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August 31, 2020billrossInquirer

Dear Colleagues: The “school” year is upon us and some of you have reached out to me with questions about company policies and assistance programs regarding what truly is an unimaginable lift for many of you having to both do your job and teach your children, among other things. I am not a parent. Consequently, […]

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More Inquirer buyout updates. 8-14-2020

August 14, 2020billrossInquirer

The Company has responded to our question on how many managers/exempts have applied for the buyout: 2, one from the newsroom and one from IT. As we said yesterday, the Company has said it “will continue to assess the needs of the organization over the next few weeks.” It continues to make hires. It is […]

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Inquirer Buyout update 8-13-2020

August 13, 2020billrossInquirer

Several of you have inquired about the status of newsroom Guild buyouts given we have passed the Aug. 12 deadline. As of today, two Guild newsroom members of 61 eligible have applied. The Company did not immediately respond when asked how many of the 17 eligible managers/exempts have applied for the buyout. The Company is […]

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August 4, 2020billrossInquirer

This message is for Guild journalists working in-person assignments. Many of you have asked questions about the PPE that has been distributed by the Company, specifically the KN95 masks given to journalists to use while working in-person assignments.  In theory, KN95 masks should work as well as N95 masks, but CDC has warned that dozens […]

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July 29, 2020billrossInquirer

Dear Members:  As you saw from Lisa’s email, the Company is again looking to reduce costs through a buyout. This one is being offered to Guild members in the newsroom who are at least 55 and have been with the Company at least 20 years. The offer: 26 weeks of pay plus 6 months of […]

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Inquirer pay study 2020

July 24, 2020billrossInquirer

As we have previously announced, the Guild has had a consultant conducting a pay study since first identifying a couple years ago a serious issue of inequity in the newsroom based on gender and race. The most recent evaluation also looked at pay patterns in our other Guild departments: advertising/marketing, circulation, and finance, although the […]

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Recap of general membership on 7-14 2020

July 15, 2020billrossInquirer

For those who were unable to “attend” yesterday’s Guild General Membership meetings, there was some particularly important information we wanted to make sure you had:  SUPPLIES OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT  People and Culture has developed a new system for obtaining PPE, including masks, sanitizer and gloves. Fill out this form when you need a new […]

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General Membership meeting July 14, 2020 12pm and 2pm.

July 13, 2020billrossInquirer


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A reporter’s lonely mission.

July 10, 2020billrossInquirer

Please read this wonderful NY Times article on our own Evan Brandt.

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